Saturday, July 9, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Man, I can't believe I haven't posted anything since April. "Bad Blogger!"  I am slapping my hand as I type.  Okay maybe that's not possible.  I will slap my hand, AFTER, I finish typing.  Its been a busy 3 months.  I feel like my plate is so full right now.  I feel so much busier being a stay at home momma than I did when I was working.  Anyhow, lets see...whats been going on?

Well for starters, the family and I went to Tokyo Disneyland for vacation at the end of May.  It was a great trip.  We stayed at the New Sanno Hotel for a week and took the subways around the city and to Disneyland.  The plan was to visit Disneyland and DisneySea.  However, my kids weren't in the best of mood at Disneyland.  Not sure what their deal was as they had been to Disneyland before in California.  They were just whining and not wanting to get on certain rides.  We decided to 86 DisneySea for the next day because I just didn't want to go through the aggravation again.

Besides that, overall it was a great trip.  So glad that God blessed us with an opportunity to travel and experience new things.

In other "me" news, I was obedient to God and applied for a PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) position.  I felt led to apply for a position since February but was hesitant.  I had all sorts of excuses in my head.  I'm pregnant, I haven't been here (Guam) for that long, I am already busy with my AOSC position, the list goes on.  For the past year, I had been praying to God about drawing much closer to Him and having Him show me how I can be used.  Plus, I had a yearning to get to know more ladies on base and this was a great opportunity to do so and so since I didn't step forward, he led someone to just simply ask me, "Hey, would you be interested?"  Once that happened, I knew it was Him and I knew I had to do it.  So now I am the Administrative Coordinator for PWOC for the next year.  I've been diligently praying about my role and anticipating what God has in store for PWOC and myself for the next year and I can't wait to see what is revealed. 

And the last announcement of the day is that I am 35 weeks pregnant today!  Boy has this pregnancy been on the fast track.  Seems like only yesterday that I was in denial and waited FOREVER to take a pregnancy test because I just KNEW it wasn't possible that we were having a 3rd child.  Was not expecting it.  But I am grateful for another beautiful baby and can't wait to meet her.  Here is a picture I took last week.  Curious to see how much bigger I am going to get within the next month.